Thursday, December 6, 2007

Thrift stores Antique stores and bargins

I am in love. I found the coolest place this last weekend. The Star Mill. It is a antique store, it was awesome everything was on sale this weekend 50% off. I got some great things for my new business. I could have spent all day rumaging thru all the old crap. It is kind of a creepy place but in a cool way. I wish I could have spent more money and time unfortunatly I didn't have much of either. Mandy is my partner in crime when it comes to shopping at these wierd places, it makes it much more fun to have someone to shop with and many people don't like to visit these type of stores. Oh my!!!!!! I forgot to tell you the STAR MILL caught on fire last night, no joking, I was freaking out. I almost cried. We are lucky the mill is okay, it was some storage buildings on the side. I feel so bad about it.